Birthdays This Week
Will Graves June 6
John Roach June 6
Jenn Whiteman June 6
Kristi Durbin June 10
Vesper Durbin June 10
Katherine Forgy June 12
Anniversaries This Week
Eric & Carolyn Everett June 8
Jenny & Lay Boling June 9
David & Hale Dornbos June 9
Coley & Emma McKinstry June 9
Remember Nathanial Mission Kingdom Camp is looking for volunteers…
See the insert this Sunday, check the bulletin board in the lobby or call the office for more information
Community News is on the Website!
Now you can click the link on the front page of the website to access the Community News bulletin insert from the previous Sunday.
Farmers’ Market Every Wednesday!
The Chevy Chase Farmers’ Market is now in the parking lot every Wednesday from 8am -12noon!