Patti Bowden July 11
Sally Hudson July 12
Dana Taylor July 13
Lynn Farley July 16
Molly Mathias July 17
Rose Mary Dow July 18
Larry Wilson July 18
Nathan and Krissie Bentley July 19
Bishop Roger Ames will be with us Sunday, July 17, for our annual visit. This visit will include Confirmation. Any one interested in confirmation at this time can contact Martin or Pam.
Fr. Martin invited us to join him in reading “Reading While Black: African American Biblical Interpretation as an Exercise in Hope”
Book by Esau McCaulley. The Rev. Dr. McCaulley is an Anglican priest with a gracious but challenging story to tell. (You can get it on Kindle for $3.99.)
Remember: The Chevy Chase Farmers’ Market meets in our parking lot every Wednesday morning, 8am-noon.
Atrium Training open to anyone interested!
July 16 (from 9-12 noon)
August 27 (from 9-12 noon)
This summer there will be 2 opportunities to receive some in-house training for anyone interested in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program for our children. Ruth Stanley has graciously offered to teach, lead, guide us (adults) through some of the lessons and attributes of this Montessori style classroom for our students. If you are interested or have questions, please contact Angela Rehorn 859-285-6826 or
Sunday Worship Prayer Ministry Please contact the office if you are interested in serving a a prayer minister on Sunday Mornings.