Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Birthdays This Week

Ben Anderson  April 18
Elaine Luhr  April 20
Kira Davis  April 24

Anniversaries for March and April

Bud Williams and Karen Setterstrom  March 1
Jim and Patti Bowden  March 18
David and Grethcen Blackburn March 25
The Whitehouses  April 4
Chuck and Lynn Farley  April 16


Catechism Class:

 Sundays 9:45 -10:45am / Youth Room /led by Deacon Trevor Durbin
For those interested in conversation about faith and the Anglican way.  Counts as prep for confirmatiojn.

Farmers’ Market Starting Back:

 The Chevy Chase Farmers’ Market will be reopening April 19th and will be in the parking lot every Wednesday from 8am -12noon.