Tuesday, November 12, 2024



Ruth Stanley 11/23
Diane Gornik 11/24
Alexea McMahan 11/24
Jacob Dorrell 11/25


Martin and Diane Gornik 12/12
Hunter and Kira Davis 12/14
Erik and Anita Bostrom 12/29
Paul and Linda Dickinson 12/30
Emmanuel and Gloria Okorley 12/30



Please pray for safe travels to all our Men that are going to their Retreat. Nov 13-17

Advent Quiet Day, Saturday, December 7, 9:30am-1pm at Apostles. 

Enjoy a respite from the flurry of holiday activities! Come away for a half-day quiet retreat that consists of three meditations led by Pastor Andee Marks of St. Patrick’s Anglican Church. After each meditation, participants are invited to share, if they so choose, any insights they have received. We will close with Holy Communion. Please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090C4BACA822A5FE3-53002124-advent