Tuesday, February 22

Arvid Anderson          February 23
Hunter Davis              February 24
Akosua Boachie          February 26
Levin Durbin               February 27
Kristi and Travor Durbin   February 28
Children & Youth Volunteers: Katie Peck is taking charge of seeing that our Child Safety guidelines are being met. She will be available after the 10.55am service  February 27 to help get applications filled out and signed. Please be avaiblabe if you have not already signed these papers.

Ash Wednesday Services will be at noon and 6.30 on March 2. The 6.30 service will be on Facebook Live.

Men are invited to social gathering on Wednesday February 23 6.00pm at Mike Stratford’s neighborhood Clubhouse at 543 LakeTower Drive. Food provided. Time for good conversation and good food.