Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Birthdays This Week

Joe Grammel  May 1st
Oliver Wells  May 2nd
Katie Peck  May 6th
David Maynard  May 7th

Anniversaries This Week

no anniversaries this week


Wednesday Night Meal and “Ask an Anglican” Details (May 3rd)

You’re invited to Josh and Jenn Whiteman’s house  (2011 Parkers Mill Rd) this Wednesday  May 3rd at 6 pm for a meal and conversation about Anglicanism and Confirmation.

RSVPs are helpful (for planning food) but are not required. You can RSVP to Josh via email – josh@whitemans.fr – or text – 859-803-1106.

Friday Night Renew Night!

Come worship, hear a message and have ministry this Friday May 5th in the Sanctuary at 6:30pm!


Catechism Class:

Sundays 9:45 -10:45am / Youth Room /led by Deacon Trevor Durbin
For those interested in conversation about faith and the Anglican way.  Counts as prep for confirmation.

Farmers’ Market Back In Swing:

 The Chevy Chase Farmers’ Market is now in the parking lot every Wednesday from 8am -12noon!