Thursday, March 6, 2025



Ines Maynard March 7

Emelia Anderson March 8

Joe Freeman March 10

Maria Roach March 12



None this week 


Discipleship Hour: March 9th, 9:45-10:45 am (Youth Room)-

Join Ruth Anne Reese as she discusses the following: So many of us have been taught that it’s impolite to talk about money, but the Bible talks about money and the use of money from Genesis to Revelation. In this class, we will explore what God has to say about money, about wealth and poverty, and about the use of resources. The class will trace a broad overview of this topic through passages from Genesis to Revelation.

During the class, there will be time for asking questions and for considering how God may be speaking to us about this important topic.

Class begins on March 9th and continues through May 17 (Join as you are able)

Children’s Discipleship Hour: March 9th, 9:45-10:45 am-

During Discipleship Hour this season, we will be having a Children’s Choir for ages 4 through 5th grade. One purpose of our time together will be to practice the songs that we sing as we close worship each week in order to help the kids participate more fully. In addition, we hope to be able to learn songs to occasionally sing during the main service for the congregation, much like we’ve done during Lessons & Carols. We will also have a small snack each week before we transition into Children’s Chapel.

We will have nursery for children 3 and younger. Parents may also choose this option for any preschool-aged child if they feel that it would be more developmentally appropriate than participating in the Children’s Choir program.

3rd Sunday Dinner: March 16th, 5:30 pm (@ the Andersons)-

Food provided and children welcome. RSVP not necessary but helpful when able.

2472 Heather Court 40503

Contact Hannah Anderson 859-327-9636