Our Staff

Pete Matthews
Interim Rector
- Likes: Music (esp. the Beatles), Movies, and Books
- Favorite Ice Cream: Vanilla (goes with everything)
- What One Word Describes You: One word?
- Books/Movies/TV: Brideshead Revisited, Casablanca, & Happy Days
- Household/Family: Trudi – married 35 years, Dylan married to Nora, Rees married to Kailee, Ainsley, & Shelby

Pam Buck
Associate Priest
- Likes: Knitting, Reading, Sawdust
- Favorite Ice Cream: Mocha Almond Fudge
- What One Word Describes You: Friend
- Books/Movies/TV: NT Wright, Kenneth E. Bailey, Daniel Silva, Perry Mason
- Household/Family: my husband, Scott & a doodle dog, Ginger We also have kids who have lived with us and are on their own now: J’ontavious, Amishia, Juelez, Kobe, Chance, & KP, Jennifer, Jan, Grayson, Carley, Brennon, & Quinton, and whatever foster kids they have

Samuel Hood
Youth & Young Adult Pastor
- Likes: Reading theology, drinking good coffee, making music, and backpacking
- Favorite Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip
- What One Word Describes You: Curious
- Books/Movies/TV: Both Paddington films are masterpieces. I could happily enjoy The Office and Parks & Rec until I die. And finally, the Brothers Karamazov is the greatest novel ever written.
- Household/Family: Husband to Maddie and proud Papa of our dog Poppy and fish Stewart

Maddie Hood
Worship Leader
- Likes: Reading, baking, and weightlifting
- Favorite Ice Cream: Moose Tracks
- What One Word Describes You: Caring
- Books/Movies/TV: Pride and Prejudice, Body Keeps the Score, Parks & Rec, all-things-Star-Wars
- Household/Family: Wife to Samuel and proud Mama of our dog Poppy and fish Stewart.

Laurie Armstrong
Children’s Ministry Pastor
- Likes: Coffee, reading, crafts, baking, family time, Green Bay Packers
- Favorite Ice Cream: Blueberry Lime Cheesecake from Crank & Boom, otherwise Cookies & Cream
- What One Word Describes You: Hopeful
- Books/Movies/TV: Historical fiction, all Jane Austen; Pride and Prejudice (BBC version), Sound of Music; Call the Midwife, Downton Abbey, The Office
- Household/Family: Married to Matthew, mom to Dominic, Eleanor, and Caroline

Dana French Taylor
Financial Administrator
- Likes: Disney, walks, baking
- Favorite Ice Cream: peanut butter
- What One Word Describes You: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
- Books/Movies/TV: books– Stephanie Plum series; movies– Pretty Woman; TV– Nashville
- Household/Family: mother of 3