NT Wright, Nov. 14-17 2022

NT Wright will be in Lexington November 14 thru 17. 

N.T. Wright, an internationally respected New Testament scholar, and author of many books such as Simply Christian, Surprised by Hope, How God Became King, Paul: A Biography, and the New Testament for Everyone Series (guides to all the books of the New Testament).

Preliminary public schedule for N.T. Wright:
Monday, November 14th
7 pm Lecture, Lewis House, University of Kentucky
Tuesday, November 15th
11 am Theta Phi Lecture, Estes Chapel Asbury Theological Seminary
7:30 pm Theta Phi Lecture, Stevens-Pike Dining Room Sherman-Thomas Student Center, ATS
Wednesday, November 16th
11 am Preaching in Eucharist Service , Estes Chapel ATS
4 pm  Scholarly presentation, Biblical Studies seminar, TBD, ATS
7:30 pm Address on the Mission of the Church (sponsored by Anglican Studies and Formation), Hughes Auditorium, Asbury University
Thursday, November 17th
11 am Theta Phi Lecture, Estes Chapel ATS


All events are free and open to the public. Seating will be available on first come basis. Expect spaces to fill up.