Posted on Feb 20, 2025 in Tuesday Links |
Ken Brandenburgh Feb 22
Arvid Anderson Feb 23
Hunter David Feb 24
Akosua Boachie Feb 26
Maya Dorrell Feb 26
None this week
Discipleship Hour: February 9th, 9:45-10:45 am (Youth Room)-
T.S. Eliot’s Four Quartets will be led by Don Sizemore
James Finley will be our guide through his podcast Turning to the Mystics. Go to There is PDF of each podcast if you prefer reading to listening.
Poetry slows us down, gets us out of our head, and opens us to contemplative experience. T.S. Eliot was a devout Anglican, and he has a memorial stone in Poet’s Corner at Westminster Abbey.
Starting on March 9th, join Ruth Anne Reese as she walks through: What does the Bible say about wealth and poverty? What does It teach about the use of money and resources? How do these things relate to our lives today? This class will survey a variety of topics related to these themes in various passages from the Old and New Testaments.
Children’s Discipleship Hour: February 9th, 9:45-10:45 am-
During Discipleship Hour this season, we will be having a Children’s Choir for ages 4 through 5th grade. One purpose of our time together will be to practice the songs that we sing as we close worship each week in order to help the kids participate more fully. In addition, we hope to be able to learn songs to occasionally sing during the main service for the congregation, much like we’ve done during Lessons & Carols. We will also have a small snack each week before we transition into Children’s Chapel.
We will have nursery for children 3 and younger. Parents may also choose this option for any preschool-aged child if they feel that it would be more developmentally appropriate than participating in the Children’s Choir program.
God’s Love of Diversity and Desire for Justice: February 17th, 6:30 pm (Youth Room)-
This event is for our youth and will be a time where our own Dr. Henry Zonio will share more about the church intentionally being the light Christ calls us to be rather than contributing to darkness.
Newcomers Lunch: March 2nd, immediately following services (Fellowship Hall)-
Mark your calendars! If you have never been to a Newcomers lunch, we would love for you to join us. Complete this short form if you plan on joining us so we can plan food accordingly.
Ash Wednesday: March 5th, 12:00 pm(traditional)/6:30 pm (contemporary)- these will be a combined services with Saint Patrick’s.