Prayer and Praise

Share your prayer needs or celebrate answered prayer:
When you create a prayer request you will have options about how it is posted. You can share as much information as you want by selecting varying degrees of privacy. People will indicate they are joining you in prayer by clicking the praying hands icon.

Fran Blanchard, February 24, 2024 - 3:43 pm

Please pray for lessening of the terrible pain in my 84 yr old sister Katherine's foot. Because she has other health issues, doctor's can not prescribe steroids, pain pills etc, only İbuprofen and it offers little relief.

Katie, February 17, 2024 - 3:24 pm

In addition to our staff, let’s be in prayer for our vestry and the search committee.

Anonymous, March 10, 2023 - 9:57 am

Hi, all - would appreciate prayers for my husband Don Frazier - he is having urology putpatient surgery in Lex this Monday , 3/13 - thanks so much - God bless you all! Gwen F

Debbie Gaines, February 6, 2023 - 9:12 pm

Please pray for my friend Shaun. He has MS and is in a wheelchair and now in the hospital with post Covid pneumonia. He needs a miracle. Thank you all.

Anonymous, June 5, 2022 - 12:57 pm

My father was just diagnosed with colon cancer. We do not yet have full details about the severity of the disease or whether it has spread, but we are praying for God to completely eradicate the cancer from his body, to heal him fully, and to bless him with many more years of life. We believe in the power of prayer to heal, and would greatly appreciate prayers from our church community.