Discipleship Hour Spring 2025
Beginning March 9th 9:45-10:45am
Money, Money, Money with Dr. Ruth Anne Reese
Join Ruth Anne Reese as she discusses the following: So many of us have been taught that it’s impolite to talk about money, but the Bible talks about money and the use of money from Genesis to Revelation. In this class, we will explore what God has to say about money, about wealth and poverty, and about the use of resources. The class will trace a broad overview of this topic through passages from Genesis to Revelation. During the class, there will be time for asking questions and for considering how God may be speaking to us about this important topic.
Class begins on March 9th and continues through May 17th (join as you are able).
Meal Train for McMahan Family:
Alexea and Austen McMahan have welcomed the newest member of Apostles, Ophelia. A friend of Alexea’s has created a meal train and we would love to have Apostles jump in to support this new family. Find the link here: https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/73ndg1

Apostles Men’s Cookout, April 2nd @ 6:30 pm:
The Men’s Group of Apostles would like to announce a cookout for men (and sons) on Wednesday, April 2nd @ 6:30 pm.
The cookout will take place at the Lakeshore Village Clubhouse, 543 Lake Tower Drive, Lexington 40502.
Meat will be provided, please use the signup below to share what side dish or dessert you will be bringing.

Aging Faithfully Book Study, April 3rd @ 12 pm:
Beginning on April 3rd, Rev. Pam Buck will lead a group of women through the book Aging Faithfully. This book, by Alice Fryling, offers insightful wisdom on how to embrace the aging process with joy, peace, and purpose.
Through a blend of personal reflections and spiritual guidance, Fryling encourages the reader to find beauty and growth in every stage of life.
This group will meet on Thursdays at noon (no meeting during Holy Week) in either the courtyard or the youth room.
Join us for Worship this Sunday.
The Fourth Sunday in Lent
Traditional Worship Service 8:30am
Contemporary Service 10:55am